Virtual Quarry Resource Center

Welcome to the Virtual Quarry Resource Center. Below we’ve compiled a number of resources that will introduce you to this innovative design tool, and guide you through the steps of building your own ViviStone project, from slab selection to requesting budget pricing.
Virtual Quarry Glossary
This resource provides definitions for terms used throughout the application, as well as helpful links for additional information.
Virtual Quarry Overview
Watch this short introductory video to learn the features and benefits of ViviStone and to find out how to use the Virtual Quarry to design your own ViviStone project.
Step-by-Step Video Tutorials
If you have questions along the way, refer to our quick video tutorials - they’ll walk you through various aspects of the Virtual Quarry. Just click on any of the titles below to launch the associated video.
- Creating a New Project
- Step 1: Select Your Stone and Master Slab
- Step 2: Define Dimensions of Your Project Slabs
- Step 3: Configure Your Design
- Step 4: Review Your Final Design